The End to an era...

And so it is...My blogging for KCB201 is in its last stroke. It was interesting to find that at the beginning of this exercise, the thought of continuously blogging about issues relating to virtual cultures was quite scary. But over the course of this assignment, I have found the continuation of blogging to be a quite enjoyable one. Obviously, being the person that I am, I love voicing my opinion about topics of interests. To be honest, I was not previously interested in voicing my opinion about anything Virtual Cultures had to offer. Yet I find myself extremely hesitant at now giving this ‘blogging exercise’ the flick as I easily thought I would be doing 6 weeks ago.
The mere thought of me being a “produser” as Axel Bruns says, would not particularly have gone down well with me 6 weeks ago. I have proved myself wrong. Throughout this exercise I have happily voiced my opinion on Online Communities, Open Source Software, Digital Distribution of Music, Commercial Produsage and Citizen Journalism. Who would’ve thought?Most noticeably, I have recognised this succinct trend of this collision of old media versus new media. This battle that seems to be evident due the advancements in technologies is an interesting concept, which I will definitely hold close to me for quite some time.
Well, so be I like to say. The time has come to say goodbye to this KCB201 assignment, and thank you for visiting my blog!
Untill next time, which I hope will be soon...goodbye!
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